Heathkit Sb 303 Manual

Manual for the Heathkit HW-101 SSB amateur radio transceiver. Manual ID: 595-1277-18 Topics: manual, radio, amateur radio, heathkit. Heathkit Manuals. Heathkit: dx 20 manual -texts. Eye 392 favorite 0 comment 0. Heathkit: dx 20 manual. Heathkit Manuals. Heathkit A 9a Audio Amplifier (schematic). How do I obtain a replacement manual for a modern Heathkit product? If you need a replacement manual for a modern Heathkit, please contact customer support, as this may entail custom printing of your replacement manual, deactivation and replacement of the old serial number, reprogramming of your custom MPU or other kit changes, and changes in your accounts at Heathkit.com.

CAPE COD, MA WB1U will operate 1400Z Sep. 28th-21002 Sep. 29th. to commemorate Marconi Station's 95th Anniversary. Operation wilf be in the General portions of 15, 20. 40. and Novice portions of 10 and 80 meters (CW and SSB). For a certificate, send an SASE to Ray Hilson. 6 Sherman Place, Norway CT 06851 USA. EE

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Neuer srv die

Coniirtued from page 77

legally end our old music business companies. This doesn't affect 73, other than it'll give me more time lo get on the air and have some fun and lo pursue my work with cold fusion. I enjoyed the music business, but 'Tve been there, done that.' Ten years was more than enough.

I was not surprised b the recent class action suit against ihe six major music companies i five are foreign-owned) for price fixing. But then the whole industry is corrupt, as i've discussed in my past editorials. The big winners are the six majors and big record store chains. The big losers are 98^ of the performers, U)0% of the independent record companies, and 100% of the independent record stores. Capitalism works fine until companies get big enough or work in secret groups to control distribution and prices. Lobbyist payments to Congress keeps the Feds at bay, I've testified al Congressional hearings where it was quite clear that (he committee chairman was safely in the music industry's pocket. The industry people, whom I kneu well. laughed uhout it.

The majors wltc candid. They haled the impact I was hav ing in my efforts to build the market share for independent record companies, but my CD Review vus selling about S30 million of

Continued on page 83 Radio Today - September 1996 79

And all bought at bargain prices!

Shane R Brady WB2WPM 34 Rosewood Drive West Seneca NY 14224

earned my Novice license 22 years ago, after seeing a ham radio demon* straiion as a Boy Seoul some 10 years earlier. Recently married and unable to afford new equipment, when I heard thai a local ham was selling a Heathkil SB-102,1 went for it. That SB-102 and a 40 meter dipole were my introduction to actual QSOs+

I remember looking through the Heathkit catalogs, Irving to imagine a si at ion with all the matching accessories for my SB-102. !'he XYL got me started by giving me the matching SB-630 station console for Christmas, l itis had a 24-hour digital clock, a phone patch, an SWR meter, and a 10-minute timer, all in one. I then added the matching SB-600 station speaker Not a shabby-looking station for a Novice in 1974. The SB* 102 is a 13-tube IIF SSB/CW transceiver. rated at ISO watls input—80 watts more than most of today's radios—running a pair of 6146Bs as finals.

When I upgraded to Advanced, the SB-102 got me contacts with UA. ZS. VK, and XX. I added the optional 400 Hz filter for CW, and what i difference that filter made!

Sure. I sold the SB-102 and went on to a solid-state synthesized radio with 100 memories and computer-controlled microprocessors.. but I couldn't forgel rn vision: to have a complete line of Heathkit radios and accessories.

Building the dream

Heathkit Sb 221 Manual

Several years ago I heard about a retired ham with some old gear to sell. That isit changed my shopping habits at ham tests. There was an SB-102 and an SB-200 1 kW amplifier. The SB-200 is still an extremely popular 1 kW amplifier It uses a pair of 572B tubes in parallel for finals. Together the SB-102 and the SB-200 were a popular combination in the late '60s and earlj *70s+ We worked out a great deal; he jusl wanted them to go to a good home and was not interested in the dollars.

Finding the pieces

At a local ham auction* I ran across an SB-610 monitor seopc which also matchcd the famous Heathkit 'SB green line' of equipment. Now I had live matching picces from the SB line. The station was starting to look like the Heathkit catalogs of 20 years ago, I was hooked, I had to have ¿ill the pieces to the Heathkit SB line!

Packet radio is a nice way lo find 'wanted' equipment* and I've had great succcss finding bargains for older equipment. A couple of messages out on

So what do I do with all of this outdated equipment? I have fun with it!'

Photo A, WB2WPFs Heathkit collection. SO 73 Amateur Radio Today • September 1996

Clearing a spot an a side table. 1 made a new home for my old friends, I had kept my SB-600 speaker and SB-630 console; these too joined the new family.

Heathkit Sb-303 Service Manual

As a Novice in the eariy '70s, it seemed to me that four out of five QSOs were with hams who had Heathkil equipment. Now, in the 1990s. 1 was trying to make contacts like I did 20 years ago, with so-called obsolete equipment.

Does that Heathkit combination still work? You bet it docs! No, il dt^esn't have the 100 memories, and 1 do have to wait a couple of minutes for the lubes to heat up. But what it does very well is make contacts. You're not going to hear signals coming in at less than 0. i i on a crowded band, hut how often are you really under those conditions? Remember, a clean signal from 2(1 years ago still sounds the same as a clean signal from a state-of-the-art transmitter today.

packet and soon I h;id added the SB-650 digital (niie-iubes) frequency display and the SB-620 spectrum analyser, for under S25 each. Yes, the) both worked when I plugged them in. Another packet request and I hau two SB-500 2 meter transverters added to mv collection (at nesxt-Lo-nothing prices). The SB-500 also uses 6146 finals for 50 waLts output for SSB and CW.

The next piece took some ads in the ham classifieds. 1 had only seen one SB-640 in my life, and that was ears ago al Dayton. The SB-640 is a remote YFO that interfaces with the SB line of transceivers for working split frequency.

The hardest piece to locate was the SB-110 6 meter transceiver. Most people hang on u> these '60s vintage rigs, which use 6146 lubes for finals for 180 watts PEP on SSB and 150 watts CW.

Haiiitesis will yield a bumper crop of old tube-type Hatth equipment. I've purchased complete working HP rigs for $20!

Heathkit Qf 1 Manual

I've since added the SB-300 and SB-303 receivers, along with their

Photos by WB2JFP

Photo B WB2WPM at his station.


Bo* 50062 Provo UT Ä4605

Heathkit Sb 303 Manual Free

Photos by WB2JFP

matching SB-644A remote VFO. All working, and all obtained ai bargain prices.

So what do I do with all of this outdated equipment? I have fun with it! When visitors comc to the shack, most arc in awe of all those dials and gleaming knobs. It's almost a shame to tell them thai, averaged out, I have Jess than $35 per piece invested in this sub-hobhy. That's less than a used state-of-the-art rig!

Am I finished wiih my collecting? No way. There is still an SB-313 shortwave receiver out there waiting for me, the last piece I'm missing for my collection! Besides, I still need more basket eases to combine with other basket cases, to come up with working units. Why do I

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Here's everything you want at a pnee you can afford The Grundig YB-400 covers LW. MW FM and ail of SW An tliuminaied LCD reads to 1 kHz on SW, Enjoy smooth SSB wrth fine tuning knob. Tune your tavorile stations instantly with keypad entry or 40 memories. Other features include: dual digital docktimer with snooze and dlai lock. Switches for: Wide-Narrow, Local-DX and Hi-Low Tone. Supplied with six AA cells carry case, wind-up antenna manual and Grundtg Wave Guide. *Q04Q SI 93.95 i -56 ■

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10 wiu DnenSutffl pi«J tf tut of cFpca 73 loigzfiiict wtittlu 1 lb. *od ddivttt <$0mA fw liv tiurcuig or direct opc ratio o, To g yh, Solii wiih no jfli» to brevk- So rugged Uncle Sim uicd ihts Car spacer cojunu (licit ioru and portable ttptMm id Dctttt Storm. Ready to Bsc. SlW, Add S5 SA.H. lato St

Heathkit Sb 303 Manual


Bo* 50062 Provo UT Ä4605

Older HoiLirie SOI 373 &425


Photo B WB2WPM at his station.

matching SB^tOO and SB-401 transmitters, to the collection. These twins were known as the 'poor-man's Collins.' HW-lOOs and HW-lOls have joined the family as well, along with many green accessories such as wattmeters, phone patches, keyers, and SWR bridges.

No, not everything works when I get it, but in most cases all [hat is required is replacing a tube or two and a quick tune-up. At hamfests there are always boxes of tubes for sale. The average price for a tube is $2, but many times they can be found for only $L

Manuals are worth their weight in gold when working on this older equipment. 1 make copies of all manuals and store them away. Tm even collecting if

When visitors come to the shack, most are in awe of all those dials and gleaming knobs.'

manuals for equipment I don't have yet, just in case I come across it someday. With the manuals, tune-ups are a cinch, as in mosi cases all you need is a known frequency source and a YOM. Heathkif s famous siep-by-step instructions will lead you through complete tune-ups, if need be.

Naturally, I've added Heath's last line of SB equipment to my collection. At another operating position, sits the all-solid-state SB-104A transceiver and its matching SB-604 speaker and power supply, the SB-6I4 monitor scope, and the SB-634 station console and its need more and what am I going ro do with all of these Heaihkit radios? Funny, that's what N2INY, my XYU asks.

ere's the Beam?

Unobtrusive DX G&ip Antenna for SO thru 10 •taiLy hïddifl * En still Fast - Fined or Pontic -

TbtTe'i * Î0 fflttel iMwtnidl rcilDX Puflih hi J Jilt l£ tht» p Y.„ ,ar : Wt .1- >r.à yoar KÎgbto» 7 ttlhtT. Btj jr * ■ -^ V T'X bihfr : IMM. Ho* iK'*t « low profile SO40 30 m

Of* 7 f kW«* fe^*- M*JHE ftfctittK1.1 All fil ihr pyvtiriKvt -Pr^vJ S>3 ra


__t st Antennas Wcs t

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